The iLOW = International Liberation Of Women economic initiative will encompasses fashion, music, live events, television, and hopefully industry-wide female celebrity participation to raise public awareness of international women’s human rights issues and to initiate decisive action toward long term resolutions. The key aspect of the campaign is to develop a successful iLOW fashion label under the WWEL nonprofit umbrella to pay for the ongoing partnership with and expansion of multiple, regionally-operated, community based field-organizations that promote advancement of women’s human rights in their respective regions and cultures.  It is the WWEL commission that the task of economically and educationally elevating women in their respective cultures is of imminent humanitarian concern.

WWEL has designed the iLOW initiative specifically as a long-term solution for liberating oppressed women and girls who currently lack resources to help themselves and also to elevate women socially in their cultures and communities.  Our methodology of partnering with cause media providers is oriented toward influencing society and cultivating an elevated perception of women in general.  These concepts need to be adopted by media content providers and it is a charter of WWEL to garner this in the industry.

Fashion buying trends of women in the western world need to be influenced by example, specifically via a new ‘trend.’  The purpose of iLOW is to start and promote that trend and to harness the single greatest resource women posses – their collective buying power.


LIVE EVENTS:  iLOW events will mobilize everyday women into a cohesive grassroots effort to raise public awareness of women’s human rights issues and take action.  iLOW fashion will be featured at the events where participating female artists will perform their music compositions – some that carry a general theme of women empowering women or are uplifting to women in general.  At iLOW events a professional photographer equipped with a photographic backdrop and a specific custom lighting algorithm will photograph everyday women who want to express support in the movement.  A unique special effect will be projected on the backdrop to create an ‘aura’ around each subject.  The iLOW pictures of everyday women will have a consistent look and appeal, and will be published by permission on an iLOW page and section of the movement website, and potentially on social media pages.  Participants will receive via email their high resolution picture and will be encouraged to post their iLOW pics on their social network pages as part of the effort to ‘inform and involve’ other women.

Some iLOW events will have computer stations with internet access and each terminal with a guide to assist participants in electronically affixing their signatures to petitions written to protect and advance women’s human rights in various capacities. Participants who electronically sign petitions will receive via email a printable certificate of appreciation bearing the iLOW = International Liberation Of Women seal, their name and information about the petitions signed and other ways to become involved. At iLOW events a professional videographer will record every day women and girls speaking to an on-camera interviewer about what the movement means to them. This footage will be edited into ‘statement’ videos that capture the public response. Statement videos integrated with other behind-the-scenes and live-event footage will provide spin-off media ongoing to compliment any successful television shows associated with the movement.

CAUSE FASHION: An iLOW = International Liberation Of Women fashion label that merchandises music with fashion and other retail items will be developed and launched under the WWEL non-profit organization. Expansion will be self-financed and profits will be perpetually applied to the WWEL empowerment programs. Fashion garments bearing iLOW graphics will help promote the theme of the liberation of women. Fashion and cosmetics will be developed internally and via private-label-licensing with other designers and labels. It is a goal to enlist female celebrity participation and to involve known designers who contribute designs for the cause as the campaign matures. Some iLOW items will be merchandised with CDs and other mediums including download keys that are part of the iLOW series. The initial iLOW CDs and downloads will feature unsigned artists and the ongoing merchandising practice will provide opportunities for exposure for unsigned artists.

CAUSE TELEVISION:  It is the hope of WWEL that various forms of television shows will emerge that serve as ‘beacons’ for the movement.  Footage from live iLOW events in a ‘documentary-like’ production will integrate with various other forms of media that support the iLOW nonprofit fashion label.  It is a parallel ambition of WWEL to encourage show creators to development and promote media that carries a message of the younger generation taking action to make change in this world with a focus on the advancement of women and girls’ human rights and economic conditions.

CAUSE MUSIC:  iLOW music publications will integrate into fashion merchandising and into live events with female artists singing compositions that carry a common theme of being uplifting to women and girls and with other positive social messages.  By2028 musical compositions by various participating artists will be merged into the iLOW campaign and artists participating in By2028 will also be featured on iLOW publications and at iLOW events.

CAUSE ENTERTAINMENT DEFINITION:  Cause Entertainment is any medium of entertainment with commercial viability and appeal that specifically conveys a strong message to inspire positive social, humanitarian or ecological change.  Cause Entertainment projects may offer financial support toward the cause.  For instance, a television show depicting a girl starting a movement with her peers to help another girl in a distant land whose life and safety is in jeopardy is an example of one possible plot of a Cause Entertainment television or motion picture story.  That show or movie could also make donations from its earned income to support groups offering relief and refuge to girls in need in the same region as the girl in the story receiving aid.